ART BEAT- Tim Hunt’s Main Street Sketches

Tim Hunt

Image by Tim Hunt

Image by Tim Hunt

Tim Hunt explores his community
outfitted with a small sketchbook,
pen, and watercolour kit. In our
regular feature, he shares the pages
from his sketchbook and tells the
stories behind his work.

Tim Hunt: The inviting gates and colourful picket fence surrounding The Children’s Garden can barely contain the lush growth of the season. It seems like not too long ago that Robert Leggett Park was an unremarkable corner lot; however, both my kids (now adults) painted a picket of the original fence alongside their classmates from Lady Evelyn Alternative School a decade and a half ago. The project was a unique opportunity that gave each of the students bragging rights to a piece of a prominent andenduring landmark, right in their own neighbourhood.

Even in its early stages, the garden became a brilliant outdoor classroom where the students eagerly got their hands dirty, planned, planted, and harvested along with teachers, parents, and community volunteers.

During this year’s A Walk of Art, young artists once again showcased their growing talent and showed and sold their artworks at the garden, sowing future seeds in an already thriving artistic community.

Filed in: Art Beat, Front Page

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