Hosers Honored and Rink Resumes (Hopefully)

Brantwood Rink co-convenors Louis Denis (left) and Eric Cauchon (right) recently presented the Hoser of the Year award to Trevor Sabean and Matt Gohier. Photo by John Dance

Brantwood Rink co-convenors Louis Denis (left) and Eric Cauchon (right) recently presented the Hoser of the Year award to Trevor Sabean and Matt Gohier. Photo by John Dance

John Dance

Eric Cauchon will join Louis Denis this year to co-convene Old Ottawa East’s winter jewel – the Brantwood Community Rink. Cauchon, a two-time winner of the prestigious Hoser of the Year award, will help shoulder the burden of ensuring the rink remains open in the face of increasingly difficult ice-making conditions.

Last year, for the first time ever, the Rideau Canal skateway didn’t even open because of the mild weather. Nevertheless, the Brantwood Rink opened just after Christmas and didn’t close until March 6. That said, it took great effort on the part of the tireless volunteer hosers.

Volunteers will again attempt to open the rink for this year’s Christmas break. Each flooding is generally done with two volunteers so that one can manage the very long hose and the other can coat the ice surface. Residents are encouraged to volunteer to help out. There are no special skills required and it’s a great way to enjoy a few hours outdoors each winter month.

Trevor Sabean and Matt Gohier were recently awarded with the massive Hoser of the Year trophy. They particularly distinguished themselves by re-building the rink base twice during last season’s challenging ice-making season. They also took on extra shifts when volunteers were missing as well as assisting with training of new volunteers.

More volunteers are needed for the new season, Denis says. Flooding the rink is not a difficult job, however, it does need to be done with another volunteer so that the very long hose can be managed. Currently there are about 20 volunteers. “If you value the rink, please volunteer,” says Denis.

The volunteer rink receives a small City grant that is primarily used to hire teenage attendants who supervise the rink and keep it clear during the day.

Rink attendants are also sought. This is a chance for high school students (15+ years-old) to earn some money and keep the rink running smoothly each day. It’s fun work but it also requires good skating abilities and real physical effort to well-scrape the ice before the daily flooding. Also, attendants need to encourage all users to help clean-off light snowfalls and the ice scrapings that accumulate.

Volunteers and prospective attendants should contact Brantwood.rink@gmail.com. And if anybody has a spare bench lying around, its donation to the rink would provide a place for people to put on their skates.

Filed in: Community Links, Front Page

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