ART BEAT – Tim Hunt’s Main Street Sketches

Image by Tim Hunt

Image by Tim Hunt

Tim Hunt

Tim Hunt explores his community outfitted with a small sketchbook, pen, and watercolour kit. In our regular feature, he shares the pages from his sketchbook and tells the stories behind his work.

Tim Hunt: The opportunity to view the familiar from a new perspective is always a gift. I frequently paddle the Rideau River in my canoe and habitually avoid the busy Canal. But after having recently acquired a smaller, light-weight kayak, I found myself open to the prospect of a more urban paddling experience.

Taking advantage of a Sunday evening, preboating season, I was struck by the view of the now-vacant Royal Oak (and shortlived Gray Jay) which, on a beautiful evening such as this, would have been a bustling hub in years gone by.

Bobbing in the Canal from across the water, tracing the steps leading up the hill, the building has an almost stately appearance. Having left my sketching kit at home, I took some reference photos and made some mental notes. I had started sketching what was once our neighborhood’s only pub from the south-east corner of Pretoria Bridge the day before, but was thwarted by rain, so I was pleased to record this image of the iconic landmark from a fresh point of view.

Filed in: Art Beat, Front Page

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