Adopt-a-City-Bench to Help Wearly – The 2023 Snow Mole Campaign

Photo by Dianne Breton

Photo by Dianne Breton

Dianne Breton

This is the sixth successive winter that Council on Aging Snow Moles from across Ottawa will answer survey questions with the goal of improving the safety of winter walking in their own neighbourhoods. One of those survey questions reads: Is bench seating cleared of snow and ice and available to rest?

For the last five years, the Snow Moles’ collected data have shown that, while there is City bench seating on many routes, most of these benches are not cleared of snow and ice and are therefore not accessible for winter-walking pedestrians who would like to rest on their walk.

This year, Snow Mole volunteers are invited to make a positive change by Adopting a City Bench during the Snow Mole campaign from January to March and clearing off the ice and snow to make the seats safe and accessible.

The adopted bench can be on a regular walking route. Those that are near medical buildings, senior residences, libraries, pharmacies, senior centres, public transit and shopping routes are especially needed in wintertime.

Snow can be brushed off with an extra mitt or a small brush, and ice can be removed with an ice scraper like those used for a car windshield. These simple tools can be carried in your jacket pocket, backpack or shopping bag.

The City of Ottawa lists 2,600 pedestrian seating benches located on City-owned sidewalks, pathways and parks. With so many benches to choose from, why not adopt a bench this winter? Make it safe and accessible for winter-weary pedestrians throughout the 2023 winter.

Join the 2023 Snow Mole campaign. “If you see something – Say something”. The Council on Aging Snow Mole questionnaire is available online at The Snow Mole team would like to know the location of your adopted bench. Send an email and photo to so that it can be included in the 2023 Snow Mole data..

Filed in: Community Links, Front Page

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