ART BEAT – Tim Hunt’s Main Street Sketches


Image by Tim Hunt

Image by Tim Hunt

Tim Hunt explores his community outfitted with a small sketchbook, pen, and watercolour kit. He is a part of the Urban Sketchers global community of artists who practise drawing on location in cities, towns and villages they live in (or travel to). Hunt captures Old Ottawa East live—and with true Ottawa spirit—as he strides, bikes, skates, or paddles through it! In this new regular feature, he will share the pages from his sketchbook and tell the stories behind his work.

Tim Hunt: Often, when I mention that I live in Old Ottawa East I am met with a blank stare. I list various landmarks in the area which elicit vague nods of the head, but it’s usually not until I mention “The Green Door” that the lightbulb comes on. This Saturday morning sketch represents a quieter version of what we’re all used to on this familiar block.

Winter presents its own set of challenges for outdoor sketching. The best thing to do is get down the details, then retire to a warmer spot to finish the job.

To see more of Tim Hunt’s urban sketches on Instagram go to: @timhuntottawa.

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