Peter Fowler’s OOE Focus

Photo by Peter Fowler

Here’s another photo from the collection of The Mainstreeter’s Photo Editor, Peter Fowler, who bent low this summer to capture a street-level photo of these delicately-coloured tulips fronting Saint Paul University on Main Street. Sometimes, seeing familiar sights from a different angle can be like seeing them for the very first time!

Picture of Peter Fowler

Here’s another photo from the collection of The Mainstreeter’s Photo Editor, Peter Fowler, who bent low this summer to capture a street-level photo of these delicately-coloured tulips fronting Saint Paul University on Main Street. Sometimes, seeing familiar sights from a different angle can be like seeing them for the very first time!

Peter Fowler: There are a lot of different elements to this seemingly simple photo of some lovely tulips. The image is resplendent with many different colours, shapes and angles, all of which are pulled together by the foreground flowers neatly framing the metal sculptures and the bench.

The bright blue sky in the top right of the photo is nicely balanced by the verdant green grass in the bottom left corner. While the eye is certainly drawn to the tulips initially, the longer one looks at the photo the more there is to be seen with varying elements in every quadrant of the image.

We are pleased to continue to promote the work of local photographers in the pages of The Mainstreeter, including our own photo editor, Peter Fowler. Kindly submit your favourite photos of the Old Ottawa East community, its people, its places and its special visual highlights for publication in our pages. Simply send a copy of the photo to along with a brief description of the shot, where it was taken, how it came to be taken and why you are so proud of it. If we like it as much as you do, we’ll run it in this space in a future issue, and you’ll have bragging rights for the next two months, maybe longer!

Filed in: Front Page

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