As Old Ottawa East’s oldest church faces the wrecking ball, residents across the street celebrated the unveiling of a “digitally enhanced art piece” by graphic artist Ben Novak that preserves forever the rich colour and warm design of the church.
Residents of 10 Main Street, the condominium at the southern corner of Main Street and Echo Drive, gathered last month to toast fellow resident Novak and his artwork that serves as the centrepiece of the renovation of the condo’s lobby.
Holy Trinity Church, just across Main Street from the condo, was built in 1877 but will be demolished to make way for a new six-storey condo to be known as “The Echo.”
Although the church was deemed by the City of Ottawa’s heritage staff to be of heritage “interest,” it was not a “designated” building, which permitted the developer, Uniform Developments, to successfully make the case that they had the right to demolish the building.
This decision was strongly opposed by many in the community, including Jean-François Lozier who wrote in The Mainstreeter, “In light of the building’s rich history, this [demolition of the church] would be a great loss.”
The timing of the construction of the new condominium has not been announced although Uniform Developments has been actively marketing the new units. Ironically, the church will be used as the condo’s sale office before it is demolished to make way for the new building.