Councillor’s Column, April 2016


Capital Ward Councillor David Chenushenko

Capital Ward Councillor David Chenushenko

Footbridge, new park both on the horizon

I am happy to report that the city is making significant headway in advancing construction of the Fifth-Clegg footbridge. With strong support from all levels of government, and an indication that funding will be made available once the city completes a formal submission, I can foresee construction starting in late 2017, if all goes well.

While nothing is certain until the first shovel is in the ground, the bridge is nonetheless closer than ever to becoming reality. Visit to see the updated concept and other information that was presented at the most recent public information session.

Old Ottawa East Park Update

The conceptual designs for the new city park planned as part of the Greystone Village project received strong positive feedback from residents at a public open house in late February.

The Grande Allée Park (let’s use that as a working name for now) will offer a diverse range of spaces and places for passive and active outdoor recreation and contemplation. You can download a PDF version of the proposed design at

Pathway Closure on Oblate lands

A 30-metre corridor along the west side of the Rideau River within the Oblate Lands is being preserved in a natural state, with a pedestrian footpath and a paved multi-use pathway adjacent to it. The current path is now closed to allow for the removal of fill and re-grading for a better connection to Clegg Street. It is expected to re-open in May.

Community Environmental Projects Grants

The city seeks proposals from non-profit organizations interested in enhancing our shared environment by undertaking small-scale, community-based initiatives that support environmental stewardship priorities.

The Community Environmental Projects Grant Program (CEPGP) supports neighbourhood and city-wide projects, specifically initiatives that aim to improve stormwater management, enhance and protect natural areas and reduce overall environmental impact.

Since its inception in 1995, CEPGP has funded efforts to remove invasive species, add interpretive signage to hiking trails, organize walkability forums, monitor local ponds and raise environmental awareness.

The application deadline is Wednesday, June 1. Visit for details, eligibility criteria, and an online application.

Main Street Trees

Speaking of environmental stewardship, the city expects to plant 233 new trees, including 53 on private property, between Harvey Street and the Rideau River as part of the Main Street renewal. While more than half will replace trees removed because of construction or because they were infested with Emerald Ash Borers, there will be a net gain of 109 trees.

You can download the landscaping plans at

Gear up for Cycling Awards

Do you know any cycling ambassadors who should be recognized for their good work? If so, nominate them for the 2015 Bruce Timmermans Awards.

The awards, named for the late cycling educator, advocate and founding member of Citizens for Safe Cycling, recognize individuals and organizations committed to promoting the benefits of cycling as a principal mode of transportation.

The deadline for nominations is April 22. You can apply online at or pick up a paper copy at your local library.

Councillor David Chernushenko
613-580-2487 | |

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