Rainbow ready for another year

By Nancy Marshall

It seems like only yesterday that a new school year got underway. Now, here we are in the month of Thanksgiving and Halloween.

Preschool children have settled in and are looking forward to their visit to the pumpkin patch. It’s always a pleasure to have so many parents join us on a field trip, making for a fun and happy experience. The school bus ride alone is a major part of the adventure!

As well, the school-age children from the afterschool program are happy to be back in familiar surroundings with continuing educators and friends missed over the summer holidays.

One of the wonderful experiences for educators and families is the continuity enjoyed at Rainbow Kidschool: continuity of educators year-after-year and of families when children are enrolled as preschoolers and continue through Rainbow’s kindergarten-age and school-age afterschool programs.

Children can begin their Rainbow experience at two-and-a-half years of age and still be a part of the Rainbow family at 10. Having siblings join in keeps that continuity going.

Rainbow Kidschool offers a morning preschool program for children ages two-and-a-half to four years of age. The program operates from 8:00 to 1:00 and includes a wide variety of indoor activities, as well as outdoor fun and gym time. A healthy morning snack is provided, as well as a catered nutritious lunch.

At the end of the school day, school-age children ages four to nine-years-old attend the afterschool program which operates from 2:30 – 5:30 each day. This program also provides a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, as well as a healthy snack.

Rainbow Kidschool offers a full-day program for the kindergarten and school-age children on PD Days, Christmas Break, March Break and for several weeks in July.

Please check our website at www.rainbowkidschool.ca and our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/rainbowkidschool for more detailed information about our programs and centre.

The Facebook page will have some fun and spooky Halloween photos to share soon! Check it out and LIKE US!

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