Community construction: Completed, current and conceived

By John Dance

Colonel By – Clegg Safe Crossing: The National Capital Commission and the city have implemented the safe crossing at Clegg and Colonel By Drive. Although its key purpose is to allow cyclists and pedestrians to safely cross Colonel By, the new crossing has also made it easier and safer for motorists to turn. Overall, it is an amazing improvement. Now all we need is a footbridge to connect our side’s safe crossing with that of the Glebe at Fifth Avenue and Queen Elizabeth Drive.

Main Street Reconstruction: The massive project with all of the associated dust, noise, lost trees and traffic chaos proceeds apace. Challenges of balancing access to the community while minimizing cut-through traffic and deterring motorists from using Main as their primary commuting route have not been easy, given OOE’s lack of alternative north-south streets. The city’s regular updates (posted on OOECA’s website) provide an understanding of current and planned work. Although, cut-through traffic diminished after several weeks, some motorists still make illegal turns. Residents are urged to contact the police when they see motorists breaking the law. Call the Ottawa Police Service at 613-236-1222 extension 7300 or submit a report to

Stormwater Management Workshop (Greystone Village): As part of its collaborative work with Sustainable Living Ottawa East’s ‘deep green’ themes, Regional Group hosted a workshop in June to explore how to incorporate nature-based systems for stormwater management at Greystone, ist residential development adjacent to Saint Paul University. This approach, known as Low Impact Development, is associated with multiple environmental benefits. Work will continue to determine how best to incorporate the ideas that emerged. SLOE’s efforts are helping raise the profile of LID city-wide.

Old Town Hall Inaccessibility: Although the delayed accessibility ramp to the first floor of Old Town Hall – our community centre – may actually get built this fall, the facility will remain inadequate in terms of general functionality and second-floor accessibility. It is hopelessly inadequate for a growing community and pales in comparison to the Glebe and Old Ottawa South community centres. Under the leadership of Don Stephenson of the Community Activities Group of Old Ottawa East, options for a new community centre are being explored.

Greystone Village Progress: As of mid-July, Regional Group was continuing to negotiate its development plan with the city. Meanwhile, site work is ongoing and clean fill from the Confederation line excavation is being stockpiled. Regional’s goal is to open the sales center and begin selling houses and units by late September.

Greystone Public Park: In June, the city hosted a public workshop to review draft options for the public park on the Grande Allée / forecourt property of Greystone Village. The workshop attempted to determine what would work best in terms of community needs, planning and sustainability. Three options outlined at the workshop are posted on the OOECA website. Please send comments to OOECA lead Eddie Gillis at Tentatively in September, revised options will be presented to the community. Regional Group and the city will make a final decision on the design in the fall.

Membership Drive: OOECA will soon begin its annual membership drive. For just $3 you and your family become members and can support the ongoing efforts of the community association. OOECA has a relatively high proportion of residents who are members. By increasing that number the community association gains legitimacy with city staff, councillors and others.

If you are interested in helping with the membership drive in the fall, please contact the Membership Chair at  It’s a great way to meet the people in your community.


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