Rainbow Kidschool continues to meet community needs

Welcome to Rainbow Kidschool. Photo by Nancy Marshall.

Child care in the Ottawa area and throughout Ontario has evolved over the past several years.

The province’s initiative of implementing full-day kindergarten in all schools began in September 2010 as a five-year process. September 2014 marks the fifth year and will include the last round of schools to offer a full-day program.

This had had a significant impact on child-care centres: a reduced need for programs for four and five-year-old children. This has greatly affected the viability of child-care centres across the province.

Some centres have modified their physical space to accommodate preschoolers and toddlers. Others have remained viable by offering after-school programs.

Rainbow Kidschool, in Lady Evelyn Alternative School since 1982, is fortunate to have over 30 years’ experience in providing programs for preschool, kindergarten-age and school-age children. It has evolved over the years to meet the needs of Old Ottawa East.

Full-day kindergarten was implemented at Lady Evelyn Alternative School in 2012. Rainbow Kidschool was able to continue its program for four and five-year old children by drawing from nearby community schools (Corpus Christi Catholic School, Elgin Street Public School and Hopewell Public School). Our centre has seen a major increase in enrollment in the afterschool program in the past two years, expanding from our main room to two additional classrooms at the end of the school day.

Our centre is operated by a board of directors, formed by parent volunteers. The board is currently reviewing potential preschool options for this coming September, and expects to have its decision ready by the end of January, just in time to coincide with registration taking place within the school.

Rainbow Kidschool will continue to offer programs for preschool children ages 2.5 to 4 years of age, as well as after-school programs for kindergarten and school-age children. Please check our website at www.rainbowkidschool.ca for information about our centre and for program information, or contact Nancy Marshall at 613-235-2255.

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