BUSINESS BEAT – Chance Scenario Paves The Way For New Physiotherapy Clinic in Corners on Main

Quinn Abugov

After a winter of weather whiplash, the spring season beckons with the opening of a new full-service physiotherapy clinic in Old Ottawa East. Physiotherapy on Main, the new sister location to Physiotherapy on Kent, recently opened its doors at 60 Springhurst Avenue in the Corners on Main development.

Joseph Federico’s new physiotherapy clinic in Corners on Main is expected to be a perfect fit for a community full of physically active residents. Photo Supplied

Joseph Federico’s new physiotherapy clinic in Corners on Main is expected to be a perfect fit for a community full of physically active residents. Photo Supplied

And it was a “chance scenario” in Old Ottawa East that eventually led owner Joseph Federico, a Glebe resident, to open Physiotherapy on Main. Coincidentally, it was an orientation night for new parents hosted by Immaculata High School that led Federico to discover the space his clinic now occupies.

“My wife and I were at an information night for my daughter at Immaculata and I happened to look across Main Street and see the space for lease,” recalls Federico. “A light-bulb went off, and a few dominoes fell, and the next thing you know you’ve got a pen in your hand and your signing the lease.”

Similar to the first location on Kent Street, the Old Ottawa East clinic is a full-service physiotherapy destination. A career physiotherapist, Federico offers a variety of services that meet an abundance of needs. “We’re primarily a Musculoskeletal (MSK) clinic, which includes orthopedic and sports injuries, for instance. We also treat neuro patients – those suffering from Parkinson’s and MS,” says Federico.

The clinic also treats patients dealing with cardio and respiratory issues, as well as individuals suffering from vestibular ailments such as dizziness and vertigo. The clinic is designed to accommodate one-on-one treatment sessions, which is an aspect Federico believes makes his clinics stand out. “The environment is a one-on-one clinic which means when you book time with a physiotherapist, you get that therapist from start to finish. We have fantastic people both here and downtown.”

Physiotharay on Main Logo

Timing-wise, the opening of the clinic coincides perfectly with the end of the winter melt. As the cycling paths and walking trails of Old Ottawa East start to emerge, and subject to the virus, residents will hopefully soon begin flocking to the great outdoors. Federico believes his new clinic will “be a perfect fit” for an “active, walkable, livable community” full of physically active residents. “As a physiotherapist, my goal is keeping people active, moving and enjoying life.”

An admitted urban planning enthusiast, Federico was drawn to the neighbourhood’s quality recreation infrastructure. “I look out onto Main Street and I see a complete street, a wide sidewalk, a dedicated bike lane. I thought that, with the way Main Street is evolving, physiotherapy is very much in keeping with the values and DNA of the community.”

With the Old Ottawa East clinic in its early days, Federico sees the importance of creating relationships within the community. Last fall, the clinic’s Kent Street location partnered with a University of Ottawa student organization, Active Smiles Club of Ottawa, which helps provide dentistry and physiotherapy services to underprivileged families. Federico hopes to partner with local youth organizations in the OOE community to foster an appreciation for healthy, active living, and to tout the benefits of the practice of physiotherapy.

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