Progress On New School & OOE Community Centre

Mainstreeter Staff

Progress continues towards a new school in the Deschâtelets Residence of Greystone Village and a new community centre for Old Ottawa East (OOE).

“The due diligence process regarding the project is still underway and progressing well,” says Linda Setlakwe, spokesperson for Conseil des Écoles Catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE), the French Catholic school board, which is proposing a 351-student school within the Deschâtelets heritage building.

In addition to the proposed school, the Deschâtelets Residence would also house part of a new OOE community centre. Both the community centre and the school will tentatively share a new gymnasium/multi-purpose structure to be built just to the north of Deschâtelets and west of the new Greystone Village Retirement building.

CECCE recently met with the City’s recreation and parks division to start the planning and design process of the new community centre and gymnasium. The two parties are working on a memorandum of understanding to guide the arrangement

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