Children’s Garden, year six

A little lady bug works and plays in the garden. Pictured above is Ali Mueller. Photo by Katie Breen

Another exciting season at the Children’s Garden of Old Ottawa East has arrived—the garden’s sixth.

The hunt is on for a new coordinator. People are encouraged to stop by the garden and introduce themselves.

In late April, students at Lady Evelyn Alternative School began the annual rite of seed-starting. This year, participating classes had the benefit of a couple of new grow lights to keep plants growing until transplant time in June.

This was a vast improvement over the former windowsill option.

The garden’s advisory board looks forward to resuming the ever-popular bi-weekly morning playgroups. There will be special events, educational workshops, garden parties and new fundraising activities scattered throughout the calendar.

The fundraising events reflect the commitment to raise money for basic operational expenses from within the community, versus continued reliance on grant funding. Upcoming events, including a plant sale that could be held in conjunction with the Main Event are expected to be announced.

As always, the board is looking for people interested in contributing to the garden. One of the most pressing current needs is for a person to take over the communications portfolio from a long-time member of the board.

The board is also keen to hear from people interested in helping with event planning and volunteer coordination.

Whatever people’s interests or expertise, the garden could use their help. It is a public space entirely community-run and depends on volunteers.

The children of Ottawa have come to count on such contributors and board members to ensure the space stays vibrant and welcoming.

For more information, please email

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