ART BEAT – Louise Elliott’s images of our community

Louise Elliott. Photo Supplied

Artist Louise Elliott.

This is the second time that Louise Elliott’s artwork of everyday scenes in and around Old Ottawa East has graced the pages of The Mainstreeter. In our June 2023 issue, readers enjoyed her painting, Springtime on Main Street. Louise’s community artwork will be on exhibit during the upcoming A Walk of Art 2024 outdoor art tour. Her paintings displayed here are numbered as follows: 1. “Movie Night”; 2. “Submerged Chairs, Brantwood Beach”; 3. “Into the Woods”; 4. “Hope”; 5. “Under the Flora Footbridge.”

1. Movie Night
1. Movie Night
2. Submerged Chairs, Brantwood Beach
1. Submerged Chairs, Brantwood Beach
3. Into the Woods
3. Into the Woods
4. Hope
4. Hope
5. Under the Flora Footbridge.
5. Under the Flora Footbridge
Filed in: Art Beat, Front Page

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